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Why do I always buy high and sell low?
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Buy High Sell Low phenomenon

Optimistic and greedy likely an issue for trader including myself. An example, I was traded on $UGHealthcare(8K7.SG)$ a glove manufacturer during 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2021.  At that period of time, the stock was swing between 0.495 to 0.555 where i took the oportunity to gain some profits during early trades. Sad to admit that i was caught by the falling knives when disasterous trades without prior due diligence to stay abreast current about the market movement since my focal was on hk and usa market at that time. It was when i realised the hard fell then chain effects impactful to several  glove counters which alarming it is not a norm situation but the product in serious threat such as $Top Glove(BVA.SG)$  $Riverstone(AP4.SG)$  by gone, it was too late to re-act $UGHealthcare(8K7.SG)$
Buy High Sell Low phenomenon
The above chart obviously i made a hurtful decision to sell at loss. Buy high sell low due to neglected and no prior attention on the stock i have invested that goes erupted before i could react. A big mistake that give me a good lesson to stay alert, be meticulous and discipline is require before you likely get crippled.

On other perspective scenario of buy high sell low relate to long term counter which has been putting aside with out paying much attention. Ignorance attitude and taking the past history and current P&L for granted that caused severe losses on this counter which i was intended to keep for long term. Unfortunately, the negligence did get me a pinched feeling alike a needle poke into my buttock that roughly awkened me from the comfort to undertaking investment without further monitoring. Although strong profits, the share price plummet to - 25% after the dividend ex-date where underlying carelessness or being complacent since i was not monitoring nor having  alert beacon for falling price to raise the alarm in time. Another painful mistake that i pay the price incurred from my proudness and laziness behavoral that i swear to myself it will not repeated again.
$Top Glove(BVA.SG)$
Buy High Sell Low phenomenon
In both scenario of buy high sell low could be prevented if i have not take for granted, reluctant on reading current news or close blind eye for benchmarking latest events. It was neglected from the begining. Sadly, i have learned from mistakes that perhaps given myself a consolation with an excuse that it is the pathway will built robustness for future trading. Hence, an experience would remind me of conscious at all times of each stock i have investing. Further, i am glad that decided to sell early before it plunge further such as UGHealthcare from 0.35 to current priced at 0.23 while exited  top glove at 1.26 before it fell to current 0.555 as at 18 April 2022. On the other word, although buy high sell low is inevitable to protect ourselves from further loss. As well, alternative solutions is to strike option contract at that price and time when i foresee that plummet will be significant. Bottomline from the ordeal and result belongs to knowledge and availability of investment instrument such as put options that come in handy for the scenario as well at its condition. A methodology for revival from the losses toward positive earning portfolio is possible. The instrument allowing locked price on a contract. When the gaps is much lowered share price than contract option priced, the gaps is the profit. Example, contract at 0.35 and current price is at 0.23. The gaps are the profitability.
In short, you might able to overturn by making positive from the stocks that are negatively loss through compliment of other investment instrument. Obtain the learning course and spare sometime in moomoo learning Centre that might helped you on your investment journey.

A philosophy quote, if the moutain not  move to the direction you wanted, you move yourself instead. Condition change herego the parameter will be changed.  Live to fight another day, milk more money as well milk the mood from moomoo
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