超级吸金大黑洞 : There is good news that stocks will react, and I think they are bragging again
Zee9899 OP 超级吸金大黑洞 : I can read what ever you wrote.
Andreloo : just buy and keep, they pushing the price down so they can accumulate the shares cheaper, let's hold until the vaccine trials and if it successful, the rewards will be 10x more
Zee9899 OP Andreloo : do you know whan?
超级吸金大黑洞 : There is good news that stocks will react, and I think they are bragging again
Zee9899 OP 超级吸金大黑洞 : I can read what ever you wrote.
Andreloo : just buy and keep, they pushing the price down so they can accumulate the shares cheaper, let's hold until the vaccine trials and if it successful, the rewards will be 10x more
Zee9899 OP Andreloo : do you know whan?