Zee9899 : So when it will go upword because I'm tired from down trending and losing almost half of my investments.
超级吸金大黑洞 Zee9899 : It doesn't go up even if there's good news, damn it.
skyH13 超级吸金大黑洞 : Soon, ascend to heaven next week, waiting for 🥹
Zee9899 : hello Jones man what is wrong with BLV it is going down and down everyday and now I'm down %65 and if I sell I'll lose all my assets. any recommendations and updates bro
Zee9899 : So when it will go upword because I'm tired from down trending and losing almost half of my investments.
超级吸金大黑洞 Zee9899 : It doesn't go up even if there's good news, damn it.
skyH13 超级吸金大黑洞 : Soon, ascend to heaven next week, waiting for 🥹
Zee9899 : hello Jones man what is wrong with BLV it is going down and down everyday and now I'm down %65 and if I sell I'll lose all my assets. any recommendations and updates bro