This was an inevitable development. There was no way for them to continue growth. Services like Netflix will generally stagnant due to the nature of what they do. However, they also have alienated a large percentage of the people by staying to a Progressive/Leftist heavy programming run.
Believe it or not, most Conservative leaning people don’t necessarily care about the programming choices until they realize that almost all of them run counter to their beliefs. When NOTHING new is run showing their belief system, the Right will start to take notice. There may not be calls for massive boycotts or “cancelling” as you would see from the other side, but Conservatives will simply leave quietly. This may be a partial explanation as to what has happened.
Now, Netflix is hoping to reverse part of this by the “log-in crackdown”. This will only be partially successful, as most who aren’t paying now will simply not subscribe and will find a different way to be entertained. They will stabilize and have up and down quarters, effectively stagnation on a subscription level.