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Can FAANG be analyzed collectively?

I'm just an average investor. But I think if a company is financially sound, there are other factors to look at that are just as important - namely the basic fundamentals of supply and demand. I don't think the FAANG group can be looked at collectively or simply in terms of the existing numbers.

My take on the future of FAANG:

Facebook - What a mess. But so much potential. FB's greatest strength is that it is already in everyone's phones, lives and computers. The edge Meta has over the rest of the FAANG group is that it has the Baby Boomers already. That will be the hardest demographic to bring into the Metaverse, b/c of the generation's general reluctance to learn new technology.
But everyone's grandmom is on FB. It will be as easy to get them to the Metaverse as sending Granny an Occulus for Christmas! Remember those electronic picture frames everyone sent their Nanny for her birthday? Imagine that will be under every tree in the form of a headset that Meta sells! Huge potential. Zuckerberg stuck his neck out to transition to Meta. I don't think it was a mistake. If they can get change management in order, bring in innovative thinkers in the big round of hiring they are currently doing and stop bleeding out, I think Meta/FB is TTM. It's going into my IRA on the next big dip.
Amazon has significantly replaced in person shopping, but cost of shipping is growing. So the question for me is, will the rate of home shopping continue to increase or is this the ratio at which the demand will remain for the product? And what does Amazon have in works for product R&D? Streamlining shipping costs Amazon? Amazon is about to get saddled down with unions. Will the addition of B&M stores be a boom or a bust? There are a lot of unknowns.
Apple will continue to acquire more market share, as younger consumers entering the market are prefering their product. With privacy and cyber-security issues becoming a growing concern/field, as cryptocurrency explodes & Web3 develops, I think Apple's strong position as the leader in data privacy and security can only become more valuable. Buy the dip if there is a big one, I think and go long.

Netflix has kinda hit the saturation point with its product offerings, no? With the recent increase in price, NF is at the same price point as HBO and HBO offers some blockbuster movies on the theater release date. Hulu offers network TV next day on their $8 plan. With Prime offering special add on prices for other streaming services, market share doesn't seem to be on Netflix's side. Consumers can get Hulu, Prime, Discovery+ & Showtime combined for only $3 more a month than the cost of NF. And the product is too costly to make at the volume it's needed to stay fresh in the current form it is being offered. Block release of programming allows a viewer to binge their few favorite shows and have no fresh content. So instead of needing it every month, I just get it two months a year (6 months apart) and catch up - put it in the rotation with HBO. Others are doing the same. The product isn't evolving. Netflix created the space, but it isn't continuing to adapt to remain relevant. It can rise again. But I'd short right now, until NF comes up with a more innovative platform.

Google - what part of our lives isn't touched by it? Google is going to be around for a long time. Privacy issues and ad revenue, that has been and will continue to be impacted by cybersecurity and increasing regulatory constraints, are the biggest concerns. But the monopoly on the search engine space has ended. Google's a weak competitor in the Android space. Can it replace Microsoft? I was with a company that "Went Google" (still have the t-shirt) & my answer to that is, "no way" - Gmail is great for personal use, but it's no competitor to Outlook for offices. Too many variable downsides for me to see Alphabet as a growth stock.

Big picture going long:
The common factor with so many of these giants is the unpredictability of the personalities that own these companies or are affiliated with them and the impact that their actions will have on the stock price. What will Zuck, Bezos, Gates and their contemporary do in their personal lives that will affect their brand? Should the EQ of the figurehead go off the rails, how will it affect our wallets? Maybe it's worth looking at history and the industrial phase of US growth. JP Morgan, Vanderbilt, Ford, Carnegie - they were the FAANG entrepreneurs of their time. Which of them thrived the longest and why? Who in the "FAANG" group of today is mirroring that formula in their company? We all get so caught up in the numbers, charts, algorithms, that I think we don't always see the forest for the trees. What drives the price? Which companies create demand? The giants don't act as a group anymore, if they ever did.

Finally, the greatest strength of all these companies moving forward, I think, is the advantage that they have over start-ups b/c of the vast established customer base. Web3 and the Metaverse is the next HUGE thing. It will change history. The biggest challenge will be adoption of the product. I see FAANG companies as being able to reduce customer acquisition costs in that space and the opportunity for big gains for the giants who capitalize on making a portal to the Metaverse accessible through their apps and devices that are in consumers' homes already. That is where people stuck at home or choosing to be there (for what seems to be increasing reasons), will spend their entertainment/discretionary budget and their budget for staples as well. Offering entertainment options that are exciting and new for that space has unlimited profit potential. Brick and mortar stock is lead right now - great time to short it, when the Metaverse actually kicks off.

FAANG has the advantage, IMHO. The companies in that group, that properly utilize their customer base to gain market share of the Metaverse pot, will be the stocks that will grow.
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