plucky Kangaroo1
This is been the greatest WAY ! I didn't know how the platform, and MooMoo . Was going to turn out! WELL LADYS AND GENTLMAN WE DID UNBELIEVABLE IT COMPLETELY LEGIT AND IM SO... PROUD OF EVERYBODY . WHOLE HEATEDLY FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART
Dons hobby
I’m definitely not an expert to ask that question. Given the status of all the external variables, ie war, rates, shorters, etc., my personal opinion is I just don’t trust the market, and certainly most of the analysts putting their dart-throwing takes. All that said, I’d wait for the next shorter-driven, or external unrelated bad news that would drive the price down again, eg ‘buy on the dip’, which IMHO will happen. But again, I’ve not had Warren Buffet success.
wan666 : The midterm elections and interest rate hikes come to fruition in the hope that they can fly out of the Earth

plucky Kangaroo1 : This is been the greatest WAY ! I didn't know how the platform, and MooMoo . Was going to turn out! WELL LADYS AND GENTLMAN WE DID UNBELIEVABLE IT COMPLETELY LEGIT AND IM SO... PROUD OF EVERYBODY . WHOLE HEATEDLY FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART
RDK79 : Makes sense thus news would drive down the stock 5+% this morning after a good day yesterday…. amazing
Dons hobby RDK79 : Do you think now is a good entry point ?
RDK79 Dons hobby : I’m definitely not an expert to ask that question. Given the status of all the external variables, ie war, rates, shorters, etc., my personal opinion is I just don’t trust the market, and certainly most of the analysts putting their dart-throwing takes. All that said, I’d wait for the next shorter-driven, or external unrelated bad news that would drive the price down again, eg ‘buy on the dip’, which IMHO will happen. But again, I’ve not had Warren Buffet success.
Dons hobby : Thanks a lot, I appreciate you taking the time to explain it to me.