101866162 : Meaning to say , hold now ?
R Tony OP 101866162 : I've already taken ten thousand bet options.
Y2Jack : Do you buy it or buy it?
只想赚个买菜钱 Y2Jack : It's up 10%. Do you want to buy up or down?
R Tony OP : I call 20 160s. 5x13 option
只想赚个买菜钱 Y2Jack : Prudence is best, supply chain was tight in the first quarter
R Tony OP R Tony OP : It's pure gambling. You do so at your own risk.
junclj1223 : My buy put will drop less or less tomorrow, 5%.
R Tony OP : You buy more put
Y2Jack : Watch tonight 160
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101866162 : Meaning to say , hold now ?
R Tony OP 101866162 : I've already taken ten thousand bet options.
Y2Jack : Do you buy it or buy it?
只想赚个买菜钱 Y2Jack : It's up 10%. Do you want to buy up or down?
R Tony OP : I call 20 160s. 5x13 option
只想赚个买菜钱 Y2Jack : Prudence is best, supply chain was tight in the first quarter
R Tony OP R Tony OP : It's pure gambling. You do so at your own risk.
junclj1223 : My buy put will drop less or less tomorrow, 5%.
R Tony OP : You buy more put
Y2Jack : Watch tonight 160
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