thisway39 : 29th
thisway39 : today or the 29th
kennykent 1 : May 2nd
Giovanni Ayala :
Jay-Jay : never received my payment dividend?? did anyone else?
Jack657 Jay-Jay : You can try to contact customer service,gAPP-Me-customer service
Jay-Jay Jack657 : said 2-4 days after date moo moo will pay.
thisway39 : I did at wasn't much
thisway39 : 29th
thisway39 : today or the 29th
kennykent 1 : May 2nd
Giovanni Ayala :
Jay-Jay : never received my payment dividend?? did anyone else?
Jack657 Jay-Jay : You can try to contact customer service,g
APP-Me-customer service
Jay-Jay Jack657 : said 2-4 days after date moo moo will pay.
thisway39 : I did at wasn't much