MoneyLord : Wow
leenak : I bought at 1079
Milamber : Paper loss is not a loss, sleep and tomorrow will be better
junclj1223 : After Twitter then Coca Cola. Tesla target price 700.
Huat Big X 2 : Hold till 2030.. target 1200
bull็ : I bought 1072.
chowyunfatt : ALWAYS with a plan. Did you have a stoploss in mind when you entered?And.. even thought paper losses are losses not realised BUT they should be treated as losses. Because you are losing liquidity = opportunity cost.
MoneyLord : Wow
leenak : I bought at 1079
Milamber : Paper loss is not a loss, sleep and tomorrow will be better
junclj1223 : After Twitter then Coca Cola. Tesla target price 700.
Huat Big X 2 : Hold till 2030.. target 1200
bull็ : I bought 1072.
chowyunfatt : ALWAYS with a plan. Did you have a stoploss in mind when you entered?
And.. even thought paper losses are losses not realised BUT they should be treated as losses. Because you are losing liquidity = opportunity cost.