GuruGuruGulu : I hope u understand that they are high frequency trading... No humans can digest info so fast
71683769 : that’s system error due to high volume reading
Silverbat : Tons of PUTs 2900-3000 needed to be exercised tomorrow
SpyderCall OP 71683769 : so its algo error huh? good to know. I've always wondered what those arbitrary super long candle wicks come from
Mike Hunt : Notice they are all at the same price which is the same as the closing price. This is a result of the imbalance auction. Look up NYSE imbalance auction.
SpyderCall OP 71683769 : there isn't that much volume though. even on some of those candle wicks. im confused?
SpyderCall OP Mike Hunt : thanks for the info.
71683769 SpyderCall OP : Well, sometimes even there aren’t much of volumes it will still shows some weird spikes during PM AH trading session
thunderhearts : when there is sudden drop, some broker backlog might filled in between. when price dropping, someone offering won't you sell ?
thunderhearts : higher price will be filled first comparing to lower price, thus some spikes there
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GuruGuruGulu : I hope u understand that they are high frequency trading... No humans can digest info so fast
71683769 : that’s system error due to high volume reading
Silverbat : Tons of PUTs 2900-3000 needed to be exercised tomorrow
SpyderCall OP 71683769 : so its algo error huh? good to know. I've always wondered what those arbitrary super long candle wicks come from
Mike Hunt : Notice they are all at the same price which is the same as the closing price. This is a result of the imbalance auction. Look up NYSE imbalance auction.
SpyderCall OP 71683769 : there isn't that much volume though. even on some of those candle wicks. im confused?
SpyderCall OP Mike Hunt : thanks for the info.
71683769 SpyderCall OP : Well, sometimes even there aren’t much of volumes it will still shows some weird spikes during PM AH trading session
thunderhearts : when there is sudden drop, some broker backlog might filled in between. when price dropping, someone offering won't you sell ?
thunderhearts : higher price will be filled first comparing to lower price, thus some spikes there
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