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UPDATE May 3rd

I'm going to do Nasdaq futures, QQQ, Gold, Oil Silver, UUUU, and IPI/MOS
There is always the possibility that I am wrong so I will share some strategies as I go, to play both ways.
Also at the end iam going to leave all the stocks Iam buying.
$Invesco QQQ Trust(QQQ.US)$ I got the selloff wrong, I thought it would sell Monday then rally. I'll take a rally Monday and Tuesday before a selloff. This is a BEAR MARKET and these are oversold, relief, suckers (I dont like that term because if you day trade you can make a bundle) rally's, and not sustainable in this environment.
UPDATE May 3rd
$Energy Fuels(UUUU.US)$  That's a bottom, oversold, pushing the lower bollinger and landing on the trendline with a nice hammer
UPDATE May 3rd
Oof $Intrepid Potash(IPI.US)$ Bounce then drop We flew too high, now we have to come together with our Moving Averages and trendline. I expect a relief rally before a further sell down.
UPDATE May 3rd
$The Mosaic(MOS.US)$ A sell down to the 100 (red)? after a bounce I think
UPDATE May 3rd
$Micro Silver Futures(SEP4)(SILmain.US)$
Silver is back on!
3 days of being oversold, hitting that double bottom, and closed with a hammer on $iShares Silver Trust(SLV.US)$
UPDATE May 3rd
Bonus $Sprott Physical Platinum & Palladium Tr(SPPP.US)$ Platinum & Palladium! Oh man that chart!!! A triangle within a triangle!
UPDATE May 3rd
*edit, I forgot oil and gold I had the charts, just too tired (and no one called me out on it
$Crude Oil Futures(SEP4)(CLmain.US)$ Oil doing oil (see any previous post). Now triangles can break down. And I may actually be temporarily bearish on this triangle to break down to $91-92 (only temporarily to let all the indicators cool down and MAs to catch up)
Triangles will break 99% of the time. If you would like to make money and be safe, and can understand option basics -
*buy a call and a put. when the stock breaks sell the loser and hang on to the winner until the momentum slows. Buy at the same strike or split them (buy an out of the money call and put, when the triangle breaks up sell the put, if it breaks down sell the call) this works but you must watch for the break.
UPDATE May 3rd
Gold $E-micro Gold Futures(DEC4)(MGCmain.US)$ $SPDR Gold ETF(GLD.US)$ +Miners
Iam waiting for the drop to accumulate more, I like gold for a breakout in the next few weeks, after this drop concludes.
*Also look at silver lead gold now CLOSE THE HISTORIC RATIO (the historic silver to gold ratio is about 15 to 1. ie it takes 15 oz of silver to buy 1 oz gold - currently we are around 85 to 1!!!)
UPDATE May 3rd
Now way too early VIX and NQ, I will update after my nap.
$VIX Index Futures(AUG4)(VXmain.US)$ Looks like another mixed to bullish day. But looking for a breakout later.
UPDATE May 3rd
UPDATE May 3rd
UPDATE May 3rd
$E-mini NASDAQ 100 Futures(SEP4)(NQmain.US)$ Longer trend bearish, short term mixed to bullish
UPDATE May 3rd
UPDATE May 3rd
IAM BUYING - PSLV, SPPP, SLV (options), UUUU, DNN, VIX (options)
iam really watching Gold, and an 1836 mark - that means miners also, a little more downside first. (IAM always buying physical)
As always good luck
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