Some investors decide to invest by analyzing charts. Some like to study companies fundamentals before deciding to invest. Some invest by blindly following what some hedge fund tells them to buy. Or some news headline. Or better yet some random bot on a comment thread or social media. Its called Due Diligence, or DD for short. I can understand day trading or swing trading the trends. I do that every day. But if you are a long term investor then you must do your DD. Unless you like to gamble then there must be a reason to buy and hold long term. Do your own DD. Don’t gamble. Check it out. Let’s try to find a reason to hold MULN long term.
SpyderCall OP : $Mullen Automotive (MULN.US)$
27882510 : Like you.![undefined [undefined]](
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Mooney bb : wow bro i see you are trying to save people from penny stocks
SpyderCall OP Mooney bb : got to spread the good karma. i was burned by these hype penny stocks in the past when i didnt know better. and some of these folks post images of losses of thousands of dollars. it hurts to see that. my firs trading account lost 9000 dollars before i figured out something different.
SpyderCall OP Mooney bb : That's when i was broke too
SpyderCall OP : this is for MULN
xierongliang SpyderCall OP : thank you for doing what you are doing. I just burnt about 100k of my insurance payout in the last 5 months while under chemotherapy. Could've bought an apartment and collected rent for life. instead now I'm poor (thank god I'm not broke..) and just gotta laugh it off. and make sure to not repeat this shit the next recession.. if I live till then.
SpyderCall OP xierongliang : Recession is coming soon. Ill give you some of my good energy so you can stay alive a long time so no worries.
solo invest : Don’t let people lose on these fake equities. I’ve been burned in the past by them![undefined [undefined]](