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Daily Poll: Why does Bitcoin keep crashing?

Daily Poll: Why does Bitcoin keep crashing?
$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ took a brutal fall recently, briefly dipping below $30,000 for the first time since July 2021.
The world's largest cryptocurrency is now worth less than half of what it was in the fall.

Bitcoin was once called "digital gold", and believed to be a good inflation hedge.

Why didn't things go as they were expected?

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  • CraCra665 : up, down that's how the Market in crypto works. but I honestly think ppl are not buying the dips. personally I think it's bein manipulated. but the rich but what do I know.

  • 102781163 : Practically every stock is manipulated by the big boys. It is a question of what strategies we small boys have to use to stay in the game.

  • Milk The Cow : No asset value currently. Too risky to me st least.
    Scare scare 😱 don't dare enter = lucky?[undefined]
    I still feels safer in stock [undefined].

  • Ziggz420 : there's no manipulation going on there's a 3 month production gap with china and dollar is dropping like crazy and everything is doubling in price a depression is coming hope I'm wrong but all signs point to it

  • UNCLE ELON Ziggz420 : when the currency is low, that means something going on, it's the internal ppl who manipulating the price. what do you think how bank earn money? those who set the currency rate are human too, and now you're saying this is fair and square? zero manipulation? wake up man the market redness is caused by all these gigolos joker

  • Mr Trecherous : The FED 👁️

  • 4dod : the secret is out, Putin created bitcoin in an attempt to hurt our economy and crash our markets, it's worthless...sell now while you can

  • Piggy Bank Trader : Who cares about bitcoin

  • SpyderCall : The mechanics of bitcoins price is not like the price mechanics of a regular share of equity stocks. With equity stock the price changes based off of the last purchase/sell price of the stock. Bitcoins price only goes up when people buy bitcoin or buy a fraction of a bitcoin. You can’t manipulate the price of a like you can a normal equity in the stock markets. Bitcoin only goes down when people are selling their bitcoin. That is the only way bitcoin can possibly fall. That is how the algorithm of bitcoin works.

  • treydongui : to inspire more institutional investing by presenting a possibly avg buy in price comparable to the markets current leading holders. This is normal from my experience. Usually dips a level or 2 below what's considered recent lows briefly without much time to react before the largest BTC spikes have previously occurred

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