Biff : Bogus lawsuits
3313 : Now that most stocks have plummeted, they all have this accusation, so you can go and have a look.
jellylomjp 3313 : Watching him fall like this every day makes me sick.
blueberry89 : isn’t what your doing market manipulation and fear tactic
blueberry89 : No word then hit delete your self
牛市熊市傻傻分不清楚 OP : Thanks for the comments, hope it will go up soon
70205719 : Almost every listed company has had this type of claim filled out by some law firms; the vast majority of them are useless.
Biff : Bogus lawsuits
3313 : Now that most stocks have plummeted, they all have this accusation, so you can go and have a look.
jellylomjp 3313 : Watching him fall like this every day makes me sick.
blueberry89 : isn’t what your doing market manipulation and fear tactic
blueberry89 : No word then hit delete your self
牛市熊市傻傻分不清楚 OP : Thanks for the comments, hope it will go up soon
70205719 : Almost every listed company has had this type of claim filled out by some law firms; the vast majority of them are useless.