Bull Run : If it go down to 1 dollar, that means AMC will close shop soon
Dude77 Bull Run : Bot
Mr Trecherous Dude77 :
Yuber1000 : Banckrupt near LFG
Cardinal-BagHolder : AMC hits s dollar, time to sell my car buy and retire!
Maximal OP : 1 digit is not one dollar . Alamak need to learn meh
Maximal OP Bull Run : Shill go and FUD off . 1 digit is not 1 dollar . Go and learn your math before you comment .
Maximal OP Cardinal-BagHolder : Relax
Bull Run : If it go down to 1 dollar, that means AMC will close shop soon
Dude77 Bull Run : Bot
Mr Trecherous Dude77 :
Yuber1000 : Banckrupt near LFG

Cardinal-BagHolder : AMC hits s dollar, time to sell my car buy and retire!
Maximal OP : 1 digit is not one dollar . Alamak need to learn meh
Maximal OP Bull Run : Shill go and FUD off . 1 digit is not 1 dollar . Go and learn your math before you comment .
Maximal OP Cardinal-BagHolder : Relax