Apple barely does anything else besides sell cellphones and ipads. Aramco sells oil. And they are the biggest oil company in the world. Oil is used for just about everything. From growing food, driving, flying, powering our homes with electricity, etc. Oh and did i mention that oil byproducts are used to make just about every component in an iphone. Without oil there is no iphone. This is a no brainer
SpyderCall : Apple barely does anything else besides sell cellphones and ipads. Aramco sells oil. And they are the biggest oil company in the world. Oil is used for just about everything. From growing food, driving, flying, powering our homes with electricity, etc. Oh and did i mention that oil byproducts are used to make just about every component in an iphone. Without oil there is no iphone. This is a no brainer
Moomoo News Global OP SpyderCall : Good insight!
无私的马奥大好山河 SpyderCall : eh
chicago4evashiiiit : whatever,..
72808871 : without oil apple and these tech companies would be out of business
Dons hobby : Spyder always makes a lot of sense and this time is no different.
Menit SpyderCall : good summary! can't agree with you more.
Dons hobby : Thanks for taking the time to post Menit I appreciate it. And you are 1000% correct, thanks for sharing, great information.