Just realised I only started to be a BABA bagholder since June 2021, still a long way to 5 years...
Anyway I reversed all my Puts when BABA hit <85 and go full on bullish, buy calls and added long positions... Lucky the recent dip to 79, I never got margin called
warrior-sailormoon : U bought long ?
bananarama : congrats. you are gonna earn a shit load of $
Btan : Gonna make a lot of money
B3llo : Just realised I only started to be a BABA bagholder since June 2021, still a long way to 5 years...
Anyway I reversed all my Puts when BABA hit <85 and go full on bullish, buy calls and added long positions... Lucky the recent dip to 79, I never got margin called
B3llo Mr VWAP : More than you?
DwarfCo OP warrior-sailormoon : Yes.
warrior-sailormoon DwarfCo OP : But 3Ema 50 haven crossing 100, but I m thinking long too
Provisionally B3llo : Good timing..