that is why my baby has more formula than most other people because I am strong and I survive anything.
and for the other people that need some formula during this shortage u can talk to me and I will sell you some if you need it but I ship only and I will ship anywhere. and to anyone but the prices are above the store price because of this shortage but there is no shortage in my house...
70924419 : jump off a building if you want to .... that just means more stocks that are not bought or sold...
so if u r a weak person and want to jump off a building that is ur freedom at work...
and no ones fault but your own....
it's a free country still for now so do what ever you want to do...
but don't try to blame other people for you being weak..
because it's no one's fault but your owns for you killing yourself.
but I would say don't kill yourself over the loss. of mo money and things and stuff because you can always work to get it all back...
but that's my opinion on people that want to kill themselves because of the lost of money..
only the strongest survive and if you are not strong then you are probably a weak person...
70924419 : that is why my baby has more formula than most other people because I am strong and I survive anything.
and for the other people that need some formula during this shortage u can talk to me and I will sell you some if you need it but I ship only and I will ship anywhere. and to anyone but the prices are above the store price because of this shortage but there is no shortage in my house...