AlphaWolf01 : Where the hell are you on green days
FlaminHotDealz OP AlphaWolf01 : Im always here on green and red lol
Tiger C : An early morning discount
102664215 : Its gonna bounce up
MindOverMatter AlphaWolf01 : he's gone green days just shows up on red days going hu why when
AlphaWolf01 FlaminHotDealz OP : Dont whine, it will happen when it happens. You are not prepared for moass where price fluctuations will be in the hundreds and thousands within minutes
TheBank : big bucks big dips
Newbie123 : Because u are a loser
Newbie123 : SJB XDD
AlphaWolf01 : Where the hell are you on green days
FlaminHotDealz OP AlphaWolf01 : Im always here on green and red lol
Tiger C : An early morning discount
102664215 : Its gonna bounce up
MindOverMatter AlphaWolf01 : he's gone green days just shows up on red days going hu why when
AlphaWolf01 FlaminHotDealz OP : Dont whine, it will happen when it happens. You are not prepared for moass where price fluctuations will be in the hundreds and thousands within minutes
TheBank : big bucks big dips
Newbie123 : Because u are a loser
Newbie123 : SJB XDD