i could go into inverted bomd yields or institutions lulled out already or sqqq going through the roof or being on the verge of hyperinflation or other countries agreeing to pay for energy in rubles weakening our dollar or printing more money than any other country in historyhas more then all hyperinflation countries printed combined. This is all before the reality of fake pandemics biden and other countries turning over sovergnty to the world health organization i. less then 2 weeks or the fact that we have yet to recover from 2008 and oil leases in the gulf a d alaska have been cancelled or the fact that russia controls the worlds wheat and fertilizer and it has tripled and diesel prices and natural gas prices are inflating and the person who could stop this cycle happens to be the person who manufactured it and he is biden and has dementia, and has already been paid to do all of this and is all in on a global single government. This is only a fraction of the shit storm we are in and none of it is being addressed deliberated or strategized for a plan of execution. Folks stop listeni g to the lying ass media who knows the crash has not even started yet and making you stupidly think these price reductions are a buying opportunity. We are looking at a crash that makes the great crash of the 20's look like a dream scenario. Folks if you pay into a 401k stop if your buying dips because the propoganda mechanisms are saying its a good idea stop just stop. Folks here is the truth take it or leave it. We are looking a imminent collaose not likely not maybe but imminent crash and economic collapse and depression with inflation rapidly increasing so rapid ykur gonna want to bend the liars over stick it in with no lube pulp fiction style and when they scream say no calm down this is only transitory right before attachi ng a dildo to a jack hammer leaving then to enjoy transitory opounding until nature resolves does its job. Folks I have no short position I am just sick of all the lies and managed theft of wealth. Get the hell out of your positions go short and wait because the only rebounds there will be in the near future are dead cat bounces but this market is in more danger then it has ever been in this time there is not ability for the fed to bail anyone out and they sure do not give a shit about you so if you were not warned you are now
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