Giggles6984 OP : 6.60... hmmm
UNC Johnnie : been trying to get n here . Hey I got a good one for u .get at me
Giggles6984 OP : hardly been able to trade since started back at work. hard to live life, work fifty/sixty hrs, and trade! lmao
UNC Johnnie : Hello giggles how ya been . hope you have a good holiday season. I was wondering did u know anything about buying calls ? u seem like u know a little something something. ok talk at ya later hun
Giggles6984 OP : 6.60... hmmm

UNC Johnnie : been trying to get n here . Hey I got a good one for u .get at me
Giggles6984 OP : hardly been able to trade since started back at work. hard to live life, work fifty/sixty hrs, and trade! lmao
UNC Johnnie : Hello giggles how ya been . hope you have a good holiday season. I was wondering did u know anything about buying calls ? u seem like u know a little something something. ok talk at ya later hun