Coffee Drip
From their twitter page : ORTEX @ORTEX · 14m We just started experiencing a service outage a few minutes ago. We are working to investigate the problem and restore service. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
Coffee Drip : That's interesting
gghk OP Coffee Drip : Very..
gghk OP Coffee Drip : Tried logging in on different computers and my phone same message
MindOverMatter : hummm I'll hold now
Coffee Drip gghk OP : From their twitter page :
We just started experiencing a service outage a few minutes ago. We are working to investigate the problem and restore service. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
gghk OP : I can surf around analytics and some other tabs but can’t look up the ticker and it’s info don’t make a lick of sense
Zerocool888 Coffee Drip : Service outage my ASS! Something is definitely not right…….I can smell shit is about to fall on headgies!!!
Dirtman : Weird things always happens when something big is coming up
Coffee Drip gghk OP : Yeah.. very very interesting. I smell shenanigans!
Dirtman Coffee Drip : And it has began....