Don't get scared or listen to people who sell. If you have a position you believe in, u can add more and average down. Just don't spend all you have on one stock! Know your long term investments and keep up with financials and news. Just don't sell bc of fake news telling you to! 😂 🤣 I have a position that I was 2000 down for almost two years. And now it is paying off. I'm still not selling. Once the market is back to normal, it will be my cash cow! 😜 Also I am constantly leaning something new everyday. Even people that have been in the stock market for years can still learn new things! Keep learning, researching, and be confident in your investments!!! 😉
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learning something new everyday! Not leaning
Giggles6984 OP : learning something new everyday! Not leaning![rolling_on_the_floor_laughing 🤣](
![joy 😂](