US Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell said his goal is “to get wages down,” complaining workers have too much power in the labor market. Economist Michael Hudson says this is “junk economics,” and corporate monopolies are driving inflation, not wages.
“Wages are running high, the highest they’ve run in quite some time,” the Fed chairman lamented.
TrinityM : I think Powell's wage is too high
70957320 : As is His opinion of Himself; must be reading His own press…
How about some ‘REAL’ & complete TRANSPARENCY from ALL (UN)ELECTED Officials/Appointees W/O EXCEPTION…???
Sunlight is after all the VERRRY BEST DISINFECTANT for Criminals/Miscreants…
Washington DC ‘Elites’/Swampers’ wanna bring about a ‘RESET’; Let’s RESET for EVERYONE if We’re gonna do it @ ALL…
BTW; Let’s Go Brandon &
efficentupup OP TrinityM : Take his salary to 0
efficentupup OP 70957320 : Ha..Brilliant.
Dislikes Dems : Powell is like Biden Numb between the Ears!!
Dislikes Dems : BUT I agree on one point nobody deserves $17.00 working there first job at Taco Bell or Walmart give me a fckn Break.
Dislikes Dems : There is only one person that is as full of Sheath as Numbnuts BIDEN that's Powell !!
efficentupup OP Dislikes Dems :
Dons hobby : I think Powell is TO HIGH
Dons hobby : I can't get any comments to come up it just spins. Anyone else having this issue in comments
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