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Which investing influencers might be worth following?
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Only follow influencers that are legit, transparent and unbiased.

Due to the rise in retail traders during the covid pandemic, there had been a significant rise in financial influencers trying to capitalise on this market. Most influencers are out there just trying to profit at the expense of other. There had been many cases of crypto and penny stock pump and dump schemes out there.

From what I see, there are a few kinds of influencers. There are those who only learnt the basics of investing and think they know everything and start recommending stonks to everyone. There are those fake gurus that create courses to sell others in promise of high returns, however they earn more from courses than their trades. And there are those that are the real financial influencers put there to teach and educate.

I only listen to those financial influencers that are legit, transparent and provides quality unbiased content. Link below

In all the influencer that I followed, Patrick Boyle is the most legit one that I came across as he is a real investment trader. His content are all based on quality research and his expertise. He taught me a lot about advance option trading strategy that wall streets used. He also covers macroeconomic factors and how it affects the stock market.

The Plain Bagel which is quite well known, do not push stocks to you but just explain about stock market concepts and event in a simple manner.

Mr Loo as known as the CPF guy in Singapore also had a lot of knowledge in business and investing as he owns multiple businesses and have millions in investment. He is like a grandpa figure where they are out there trying to pass down their knowledge to the next generation. He covers a lot about the current events and how to invest safely. He doesn't believe in stock picking thus he only trades on $Nasdaq Composite Index(.IXIC.US)$ and $S&P 500 Index(.SPX.US)$ indexes.

The 3 of them above have content are unbiased and focus solely on the content and they are just trying to have their viewer learn new knowledge. Plus they have great track records to show that they know their stuff either from their career path or their years of trading in the market. Thus I like them alot.

The next 3 that I follow, does mention about their stock picks and provides analysis on stocks.

In The Money loves options trading and taught me a lot about sound and "safer" options strategy like WHEEL, PMCC, and LEAPS. He is the reason why I use PMCC on $Grab Holdings(GRAB.US)$ and $UP Fintech(TIGR.US)$.

Josh Tan is a property guy and had been investing for a while. He covers quite a lot of Singapore stocks and gives in depth research on SG companies. I don't usually buy what influencers recommend but when they do provide additional data points for consideration. Thanks to his analysis on $PropNex(OYY.SG)$ , I bought it at $1.1 and had 54% gains today. He also gave me more conviction to buy a lot of $Sembcorp Marine(S51.SG)$ rights issurance at $0.08. And those netted me 47% gains.

Kelvin is also a great influencer that I followed. As he is new to investing, his content will be more relatable to many new investors. He is very humble too as he knows he is very new to investing and can be wrong about things, thus making his content more sincere and unbiased. He is the reason I started doing the WHEEL options strategy on $Futu Holdings Ltd(FUTU.US)$. Had collected almost $1k in premiums but still didn't get any FUTU shares

whoever you follow just remember that you are responsible for your own financial status, so do your own due diligence ah

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  • MonkeyGee : oh Jeremy

  • doctorpot1 OP MonkeyGee : oh? who is Jeremy?

  • MonkeyGee : The most annoying guy on YouTube, Jeremy from financial education.  He got Tesla right and he thinks he is god.  just like Kathie, one homerun and 900 strikeouts and they talk about that one single homerun for life.

  • Small bull : Everyone has a motive especially when spending too much time and effort. So there is nobody in Internet really honest and I don't believe these guys are honest at all

  • doctorpot1 OP MonkeyGee : I see hahahhaha. yea there are a lot of people who got it "right" in the biggest bull market ever and think they know it all. In 2020 and 2021, even monkey who anyhow pick stocks also out perform the market wor. If they can replicate it in a bear market then respect [undefined]hahaha, if not can ignore [undefined]

  • doctorpot1 OP Small bull : yes you are right, no one does anything for free, but some their motive is more "pure" then others. the more pure one's are those trying to earn money from YouTube by teaching about financial knowledge so they are more credible. Those knowledge like how does options works, how does volatility trading work, all those can be verified as they are legit concepts.
    but there are also another camp that just want to earn money from us, asking us to join useless classes promising easy money, or worse those who do pump and dump.

  • Small bull doctorpot1 OP : Yeah, they also wants to get some idiots to invest on them, then he can act as a fund manager. If fails, he just runaway. This is also why more people are being scammed.

  • doctorpot1 OP Small bull : by right that is already against the law unless the person have a fund management license. If dont have that license they cannot take money from people to help them invest. you can call police to catch them if you know they are doing it

  • Small bull doctorpot1 OP : Nowadays crime criminals are very clever while civil servants are still the same attitudes.
    The judges are like politicians, acting good in front of u by telling the police what to do but it will be the same result. Even simple cases police will try to delay and eventually silently ignored after some time. Civil servants will be super charged when they are serving the major politicians.
    They will only attend seriously on big cases that will get promotion.

  • doctorpot1 OP Small bull : or if the issue goes viral on social media hahahaha [undefined][undefined]

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crawled out of poverty, working towards FIRE!! (financial independence, retired early)