In terms of Q1 returns, over 70% of mooers indicated that they didn't earn enough in this period. Only 26% of mooers were satisfied with their portfolios.
Let's move on to the high-quality content posted by our mooers and see if you can take something away!
High-quality-post collection
*High-quality posts are posts with over 80 words and their P/L order or position stats. The quality, originality, and user engagement of the posts will be taken into account.
Every Earnings Season is Unprecedented @Cow Moo-ney : "It is evident that there are lots of fear and uncertainties in the market, mainly due to war, global supply chain issues, Covid lockdowns in powerhouse China, sky-high inflation, interest rate hikes, etc. This shows us that macro environment can outweigh a company’s fundamentals."
"All I can say is, the current market is brutal, harsh and relentless. When massive earnings-beat by mega cap companies can’t even bring their stock prices up, it is no surprise that other smaller players will see their stocks tank with small earnings beat or subpar performance. In short, earnings beat will only keep the stock afloat for a lil while, anything less than that, down you go."
Share your P/L orders in the 1Q22 earnings season? @Milk The Cow :"I think "they" are trying to miss lead us with a fact sheet which prone to be out-dated soon enough.
Stock market is being "unreasonable" right now. Logic thinking just won't go through. It's best not to fight against the bear since so many short sellers have awaken"
第一季财报(First Quarter Earnings) @steady Pom pipi : "虽然财报发布会影响目前的股价,但如果你是长期投资者,短暂的股价波动并不影响长期投资,重要的是买入对的股票。" ("Although earnings releases affect the current prices, a transient stock price fluctuation does not affect your long-term investment if you are a long-term investor. The most important thing is to buy the right stocks.")
Insights @RageBubble :"A bit of gains here - slowly but surely.
overall market is on a decline due to the larger macro environment - I believe when the fed becomes dovish again, that will signal the ending the bear market. until then, focus on your conviction companies. "
Thanks for sharing valuable tips and high-quality posts with us.
Many mooers have expressed different opinions on the current market and their outlook for the future in their posts. Some believe that even though the market is not too optimistic, it is still full of opportunities. On the other hand, some mooers are on hold and wait until the opportunity is ripe before taking the plunge
Happy investing, and see you in the next earnings season
Disclaimer: This presentation is for informational and educational use only and is not a recommendation or endorsement of any particular investment or investment strategy. Investment information provided in this content is general in nature, strictly for illustrative purposes, and may not be appropriate for all investors. It is provided without respect to individual investors’ financial sophistication, financial situation, investment objectives, investing time horizon, or risk tolerance. You should consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to your relevant personal circumstances before making any investment decisions. Past investment performance does not indicate or guarantee future success. Returns will vary, and all investments carry risks, including loss of principal. Tap for more details:
steady Pom pipi :![](
Milk The Cow :![](
NANA123 :![](
doctorpot1 :![](
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OngHengHuat :![undefined [undefined]](