I think that in the long and short of it is only up to u do what ur gut tells you. if u r talking about telsa then I would say wait until you have made some money and when you feel like you have made enough off of that transaction then sell.
Jay-Jay : yes sell margin, only opinion
70924419 : I think that in the long and short of it is only up to u do what ur gut tells you. if u r talking about telsa then I would say wait until you have made some money
and when you feel like you have made enough off of that transaction then sell.
d3cimal OP 70924419 : thanks!
d3cimal OP Jay-Jay : thanks!
Sigma6789 : Close ur margins
70924419 d3cimal OP : ur welcome
CasualInvestor : Keep discipline to sell at calculated profits. Don’t be greedy to hold for the top. Realised gains are money
in the pocket.