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[Weekly Wins] How to celebrate Children's day - an idea for all ages

Is 10 too young to start teaching about money?

A young 12-year-old boy in South Korea made a 43% profit gain from investing in stocks.
It's never too soon to teach your kids about money.

If kids could understand the concepts behind investments and do their own investing, they might buy a cool new pair of shoes themselves as a gift on the next Children's day.

Take the quiz for kids to find out!

Ready to see how much they know? Go >>>>>
Warren Buffett once said: "Life is like a snowball. The important thing is finding wet snow and a really long hill." What exactly does he mean by "very wet snow"?
A. Investment principal
B. Yield
C. Time
D. A stock's margin of safety

There are two companies named Bull and Bear respectively. The assets and liabilities of Bull are five million dollars and 1 million dollars respectively, while the numbers for Bear are 1 million dollars and 700, 000 dollars. Which company do you think has higher bankruptcy risks?
A. Bear
B. Bull

It is strange that some people work hours to save a little money but are thoughtless in investing. For example:
A. They often make investment decisions based on rumors.
B. They do careful research to pick stocks.
C. Both A and B.
D. Neither A nor B.

Tip: To learn about Peter Lynch's investment philosophy, you can find answer in this aritcle.

What is the possible reason why $Berkshire Hathaway-A(BRK.A.US)$ never split shares?
A. Warren Buffett is too lazy to do that.
B. Berkshire wants to attract investors who are more concerned about its long-term value than its current share price.
C. None of Berkshire's shareholders agree to do so.
D. Regulators forbid Berkshire to do so.

Tip: To see reasons for a stock split, you can find answer in this aritcle.

Share your kids' answers in the comment. Maybe they are already a financial wiz.

How about teaching your kids about investing basics knowledge in Children's day? Start with making a financial goal!
[Weekly Wins]
[Weekly Wins] How to celebrate Children's day - an idea for all ages
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[Weekly Wins] How to celebrate Children's day - an idea for all ages
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