Riding Star : Come on
71518529 : Hot
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 : Come on, , it's too far.
钱包君你要振作起来 OP 不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 : Better than no.
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 钱包君你要振作起来 OP : One year of youth is wasted
钱包君你要振作起来 OP 不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 : It's been a year.
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 : If I were on 90, I would be happy.
钱包君你要振作起来 OP 不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 : It's almost $50 for a happy.
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 钱包君你要振作起来 OP : Can't afford to be happy.
Riding Star : Buy EFOI. Float is low.
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Riding Star : Come on
71518529 : Hot
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 : Come on,

, it's too far.
钱包君你要振作起来 OP 不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 : Better than no.
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 钱包君你要振作起来 OP : One year of youth is wasted

钱包君你要振作起来 OP 不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 : It's been a year.
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 : If I were on 90, I would be happy.
钱包君你要振作起来 OP 不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 : It's almost $50 for a happy.
不怕沒股票只怕沒鈔票 钱包君你要振作起来 OP : Can't afford to be happy.
Riding Star : Buy EFOI. Float is low.
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