If you're happy and you know it ,clap your hands If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands If you're happy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you want to financial freedom and you know it , choose the Moomoo@moomoo SG(Moo~)
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet If you're happy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you want to become smarter and you know it,choose the @moomoo Learn(Moo~)
If you're happy and you know it, nod your head If you're happy and you know it, nod your head If you're happy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you want to become knowledgeable and you know it,choose the@Meta Moo(Moo~)
If you're happy and you know it ,shout Moo(Moo~) If happy and you know it, shout Moo(Moo~) If you're happy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you're happy and you know it ,shout Moo Moo(Moo~ Moo~)
If you're happy and you know it do them all (Moo~) If you're happy and you know it do them all (Moo~) If you're happy and you know it And you really want to show it If you're happy and you know it do them all(Moo~Moo~Moo~)
steady Pom pipi OP : Haha,just for fun
PlutoMoo102685100 :
steady Pom pipi OP PlutoMoo102685100 : Haha, it takes @ a person to participate in the competition.
Can I @ you?
PlutoMoo102685100 steady Pom pipi OP : Sure
Giovanni Duran :
Sofu_ : Nice shoot
steady Pom pipi OP PlutoMoo102685100 :
steady Pom pipi OP Giovanni Duran :
steady Pom pipi OP Sofu_ :
Moomoo SG :
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