Dons hobby
I am still learning as well. I have a couple shares of IMPP stock. And from what the people I follow say is that within a week or two IMPP could be better n the $2 to $3 dollar range it is 60 cents a share right now take a look at it and see what you think, just a direction for you.
McBrew : Almost there!
Sirluco123222 : yes just trying to one into a two I'm in guidance I'm new one
Dons hobby OP Sirluco123222 : Hope you have a great month
Dons hobby OP Sirluco123222 : I am still learning as well. I have a couple shares of IMPP stock. And from what the people I follow say is that within a week or two IMPP could be better n the $2 to $3 dollar range it is 60 cents a share right now take a look at it and see what you think, just a direction for you.
McBrew Dons hobby OP : I’ve been keeping an eye on this one as well dons but just doesn’t have the social media attention yet
Dons hobby OP : I only have 200 for the Loooong haul