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Is petrol costing you a pretty penny? Here are 6 tips on saving money at the pump

With the petrol prices at the highest they have ever been, the programme Talking Point finds out how better driving and mroe fuel-efficient habits can help motorists to maximaise their tanks.

With price unlikely to dip anytime soon, the programme Talking Point finds out how motoriest can save money at the pumps by efficient in using their cars.
Is petrol costing you a pretty penny? Here are 6 tips on saving money at the pump
1. Check Tyre Pressure
Drivers can start by pumping an ideal amount of air into their tyres, which is around 240 to 260 kilopascal units. Motorists can look for a sticker ususlly placed on the driver's door to find out the ideal tyre pressure for their car or look in the owner's manual.

2. Optimise weight and aerodynamics
Another thing is that the heavier the load in your car, including the boot, the more furl you burn, because more energy is needed to get the car moving.

To save on fuel, reduce the weight the car is carrying and improve its aerodynamics.

3. Keep the car in good order
Increased fuel consumption can also result from poor maintenance. The oxygen sensors can also affect the car. Feedback from the sensors on how well the fuel is burning ensures that the engine runs smoothly, so if they are"not giving the correct data", that affects fuel consumption.

Driver do not require a diagnostic tool to tell if their car need checking.
Is petrol costing you a pretty penny? Here are 6 tips on saving money at the pump
4. Is a higher-grade fuel more efficient?
Driver may have read claims by fuel companies that a higher-grade petrol is better because it can improve their car's efficiency by cleaning and protecting the engine.

If a car is tuned to take 95-octane petrol, then that saves its owner the expense of a premium petrol.

5. Compare prices
Some Singaporeans, meanwhile, are trying to find cheaper petrol across the Causeway now that borders have opened.

6. Don't drive badly or leave the car idling
In many cases, Singaporeans's driving habits may be costing them extra. Rapid accelaration and sudden braking, for instance, will burn more petrol than accelerating and braking gradually.

Leaving the engine idling is another "big mistake". Doing so for 15 minutes wastes 473 millilitres of petrolm compared to 31ml of pettrol if a car idles for a minute.
That all the tips to save! Do you have any good ideas to share?
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