Don't just sit at home, or the life of your dreams will sail right past you. ---- <The Wolf of Wall Street> Films are art, as investing is in the world of finance. The contradictions and weaknesses in human nature are magnified in this game where money abounds. From the inside story of finance to jaw-dropping market deals, which finance movie clips or lines stick in your mind? Please share your thoughts with us now!
Rules & Rewards: 1. We will provide 200 points for 6 mooers with unique views and opinions. (We'd like to find the most knowledgeable mooers in our community.) 2. We will provide 50 points for those who join the discussion with relevant posts of over 20 words. *The above rewards are mutually exclusive. Join the topic and share with us!
Duration: Now – June 15 11:59 PM SGT T&C Disclaimer: This presentation is for informational and educational use only and is not a recommendation or endorsement of any particular investment or investment strategy. Investment information provided in this content is general in nature, strictly for illustrative purposes, and may not be appropriate for all investors. It is provided without respect to individual investors’ financial sophistication, financial situation, investment objectives, investing time horizon, or risk tolerance. You should consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to your relevant personal circumstances before making any investment decisions. Past investment performance does not indicate or guarantee future success. Returns will vary, and all investments carry risks, including loss of principal.Tap for more details
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only.
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Film is an art, just like an investment in finance. AMC Entertainment shares posted their biggest gain in two months on a strong day in the money-rich game, with trading volume nearly higher than normal.
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
Weicl : Film is an art, just like an investment in finance. AMC Entertainment shares posted their biggest gain in two months on a strong day in the money-rich game, with trading volume nearly higher than normal.![undefined [undefined]](
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NANA123 Weicl : Hahaha
pistol bluff : Point Break!
BullFight : Jerry Maguire "SHOW ME THE MOOOOONEY"![undefined [undefined]](
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whqqq Weicl : You're right.![undefined [undefined]](
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