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moomoo Emoji Artists Contest
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moomoo Emoji Artists Contest

Dear moomoo artists,

Welcome to the moomoo Emoji Artists Contest!

Emojis are widely used these days. They come in handy when you can't find a proper way to express your feelings with words.

Moomoo also has its own set of emojis, which underwent countless revisions. The 141 moomoo emojis we're using are the latest version. Click here to see how moomoo emojis evolved.

But with ever-changing market trends, sometimes you may find current emojis unsatisfactory. Now it's time to unleash your creativity and draw your moomoo emoji!

How to participate in the contest?
1. Draw a moomoo emoji on the template with the captions. Feel free to create your emoji in any form.
2. Post your work under the discussion of "moomoo Emoji Artists Contest" and explain what inspired you.
3. Your work must be original. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.

Get the template
Save the following template and start to design. Don't forget to indicate the meaning of your work in the picture.
moomoo Emoji Artists Contest

Let your genius flow on our template! You can design any emoji to express your feelings in the stock market or in daily life.
moomoo Emoji Artists Contest
moomoo Emoji Artists Contest

[Brilliant artist] 2 winners will get exclusive moomoo merchandise
[Creative drawer] 3 winners will get moomoo cap
[Distinct creator] 5 winners will get moomoo pillow

Now – June 19, 2022 23:30 (ET)
The winners will be announced within 10 working days after the contest.

Go and show your talent!

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Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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