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Difficult decision: Fed faces rate rise dilemma
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75 bps rate-hike this week? Here's what institutional pros' take on Fed meeting

Analysts Notebook joined discussion · Jun 13, 2022 05:20
US inflation accelerated to a fresh 40-year high in May, a sign that price pressures are becoming entrenched in the economy.
WSJ previewed Tuesday's Federal Reserve policy decision on Monday, strongly suggesting that a 75 basis point rate hike was on the table, which sent Wall Street scrambling into the evening hours to recalibrate rate expectations. Market participants had previously generally assumed that a 50 basis point rate hike was most likely as the Fed looks to tackle red-hot inflation.
Here's what institutional pros' take on Fed meeting:
75 bps rate-hike this week? Here's what institutional pros' take on Fed meeting
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  • CraCra665 : tryin ta build back better huh biden.?? well your bigger an better f---ed us all over. see I knew those 1200$ an the whole 3 checks most Americans got. and the billions to other countries. "an certain ppl" we get royally f over. see that's why I didn't use those checks. I  am sure goin ta need it w everything from a ta z an everything in between are gonna cost an appendage. sad. this is just sad. they just don't want the 1% to be out of the 1%  of ppl w money.

  • sincere Liger_5649 : CraCra665 your misinformed. Since you didn’t cash your stimulus checks do me a favor and look the signature on those checks. Trump implemented every one of those checks. Sorry you can’t keep pointing the finger at one person.

  • CraCra665 sincere Liger_5649 : lol direct deposit. just pulled the money an put it away. it's funny his name if his name was on it. because it was after his pres. that they were sent. he was goin thru an impeachment if I'm not mistaken. so is he the one printing trills of dollars an all that stuff? I understand that inflation happens but like this. come on not too long ago everything was great. now kind of mad about the whole thing. lol. idk. just feelin the pain rn. lol. nothin against anyone or anything.

  • 151240146 : F trump, f Biden, f the US

  • Revelation 6 151240146 : America is the best country in the world. Even with Biden raping it morally, socially, racially, and financially it still stands head and shoulders above the rest of the world. We'll be able to correct Joe's intentional attempt to destroy the Union. It's just going to be expensive.

  • DamVaz1 Revelation 6 : Stop…it’s middling at best…utterly depressing that a person could be this insipid and stupid…let alone 30-80 million if you joke[r]s.

  • Maro Barragan 151240146 : f the two guys OK, f my country naw bro. f you for being  stupid like that. you don't talk shit about the US we stand up above all.  God bless the USA!

  • Revelation 6 DamVaz1 : I only argue with people I sleep with. Should you want to change your status, let me know. All offers reviewed but not accepted. I'm cheap but not easy. I can be had though. Remember, it's not the kill, but the thrill of the chase. Good luck.

  • Audere est Facere Revelation 6 : Best country in the world ? Haha delusional, look at all those problems and news before you said THE BEST ?

  • Revelation 6 Audere est Facere : I only argue with people I sleep with. Should you want to change your status, let me know. All offers reviewed but not accepted. I'm cheap but not easy. I can be had though. Remember, it's not the kill, but the thrill of the chase. Good luck.

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