The Fed has triggered a recession 8 out of 10 times since 1960. Can we now stop asking this question and start talking about how to take advantage of the recession we are in now? it's no longer a possibility. It is here.
we will not recover and corrections to recover are not in the interest of Susan Rice, NSC advisor. She is running the country. Find away to save your portfolio. buy low and dividend stocks.
I look for Biden's gate keepers to take over and contol prices with damaging penalties on businesses that do not comply. The country will collapse. I believe I predicted this in 2014 on Twittet.
You can't enjoy life if you are beaten down everyday by incompetence and greed. To save your mental health, relax, exercise and take laughing pills. "
SpyderCall : good info
2ndBreakfast : The Fed has triggered a recession 8 out of 10 times since 1960. Can we now stop asking this question and start talking about how to take advantage of the recession we are in now? it's no longer a possibility. It is here.
lightfoot SpyderCall : we will not recover and corrections to recover are not in the interest of Susan Rice, NSC advisor. She is running the country. Find away to save your portfolio. buy low and dividend stocks.
lightfoot : I look for Biden's gate keepers to take over and contol prices with damaging penalties on businesses that do not comply. The country will collapse. I believe I predicted this in 2014 on Twittet.
lightfoot : The US is under heavy stress with no valves to relieve stress. results=gabang!
lightfoot : Good luck Moo ers. we deserve better.
lightfoot : culture dictates the future. not professions, not uniforms, not authority. Culture has changed for the worse.
lightfoot : You can't enjoy life if you are beaten down everyday by incompetence and greed. To save your mental health, relax, exercise and take laughing pills. "
SpyderCall 2ndBreakfast : So far im with you on the recession. but we must watch for the rug pull at all times.
Abeyax : ofcours its can Bee a reseccion...
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