David Liu GS : Shld I wait for it to drop a bit more?
BE EATING PEACHES OP David Liu GS : That is totally up to u but I buy on the up market and the down market. but with the split coming up on the 18th of next month I would say as long as you buy a call and a put u should be safe 2 buy at any price.but it's up 2 u.
70924419 David Liu GS : I say but at any price as long as u buy a call and a put as well because I have a few hundred shares already and still holding and buying but I spread the shares around between different apps so 1 app doesn't have to much.
David Liu GS : Shld I wait for it to drop a bit more?
BE EATING PEACHES OP David Liu GS : That is totally up to u but I buy on the up market and the down market.
but with the split coming up on the 18th of next month I would say as long as you buy a call and a put u should be safe 2 buy at any price.
but it's up 2 u.
70924419 David Liu GS : I say but at any price as long as u buy a call and a put as well because I have a few hundred shares already and still holding and buying but I spread the shares around between different apps so 1 app doesn't have to much.