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$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ I'm loving these Bitcoin and Etherium pri...

$Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ I'm loving these Bitcoin and Etherium prices, don't forget big money is not in yet until crypto is regulated.
cost average into Bitcoin and Etherium over the next few months and years. Don't worry about the volatility, show no fear and keep your head clear.
The future will come very soon and those who held and brought through will be rewarded.
just Don't YOLO all your cash in one go oooops too late 🤣🤣🤣
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  • Zedx32 : You can all in😂 good luck

  • BAG FINDER GENERAL : I'll wait until crypto completly drops to rock bottom. Hedge funds are going to rinse the crypto market. Bitcoin is going to drop Alot further. Might as well save your money until it stops dropping and then buy on the way back up. It won't stop dropping for a while yert. The whole economy is about to collapse like you've never seen

  • Zedx32 BAG FINDER GENERAL : Agreed.. he so confident or maybe he trapped.. trying hard to promote other to buy

  • intellectual Sheep_2 : Get out la bro. Warrant Buffet already said he won't even spend $25 on all bitcoins already. It doesn't produce anything. Last min can't even withdraw then you know.

  • 71151090 Zedx32 : [undefined]

  • Sg-Jin : Buffet is an idiot. Btc at $1 in 2011 and he says no value ? Yeah rightttt 😜

  • Zerocool888 : Regulated? It will never ever be regulated as it’s a PONZI SCAM.

  • TechTrek Invest OP Zerocool888 : There are alot of scam coins out there, research and make sure the coins has value before investing.

  • Zerocool888 TechTrek Invest OP : Crypto started many years ago and yet not many countries would dare to accept it, let alone regulate it. If it does not benefit the government, I highly doubt they will accept it. I know there are scams out there but it’s mostly ant bite size. Nothing much to shout about.

    Remember Y2K? Yeah that was one of the biggest scam and hoax. Companies pour in millions to purchase the software and everyone had to be on standby which nothing happens after midnight.

    Crypto trade was created for one thing and that is to fund wars. It’s the best way to channel funds as it does not need to go through any banks or regulatory agencies. Government are unable to track where the money is being siphoned to but at the moment US is tanking crypto to cripple Russia economy as they are channeling their funds via crypto to fund the current war.

    How do you think Ukraine is able to buy their weapons? Same tactics. So, think about it. A little common sense will help you open your eyes and see it clearly why crypto is a Ponzi Scam. I have invested many companies for the last 30 years and I know a little or two about investments. Stateless currency is definitely not one of them. Good luck if you are still holding on to it.

  • Sg-Jin : People who keeps calling all crypto a scam missed the generational wealth that cryptos created.
    In true btc og style all I have to say is “have fun staying poor”

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