This is why LUNC crashed & will probably 100× thanks too the trade tax, malicious short selling algos cant trade nothing.. 1$ is very possible now.
The stock market will crash too
Citadel the markets BIGGEST liquidity provider, Kenneth Griffin & Vlad collude in emails too take the buy button away from ONLY retail on the stock market with Robinhood last year in what amounts the beginning of 08×10,
Kenneth G lied under oath about these emails.
Then using DARK POOLS, PFOF, & trading algorithms they are controlling it with other HF brokers MM etc, too stop margin calls. They all have synthetic short shares on certain companies hence AMC&GME fiasco. Citadel, other funds are incrediblely Overleveraged,
Using junk ETFs that they make as collateral in order to go to the FED Jerome Powell,
Jerome Powell prints liquidity while the markets are crashing & inflation isn't under control. He's a liar & paid to do so
Meanwhile APES not traditional investors is & aren't susceptible too the usual shorting tactics. The APES bought & held synthetics too beat the naked puts & "Cellar Boxing" on AMC&GME. HF using "unbeatable" algos. & limitless cash flow from the tax payer too keep
the corrupt 08 system afloat with our tax money.
Gary Gensler of the SEC doesn't care or can't do anything.
This on top of the worst president policy &you have a recipe for black Friday×10.
This is the reason for the pump & dumps on the stock market.
While that happens guess whose looking into crypto?
Drum roll please, Citadel & Blackrock bought MASSIVE positions in LUNA/TERRA protocol. Right before the crash, there is enough liquidity too postpone this crash for about 1 month maybe. CEO is calling it an attack at this point. link with discounts