m33Lucky : How much did you start with ?
Be Hungry OP m33Lucky : Starting off with $500 last month then DCA
m33Lucky Be Hungry OP : Nice profits, DCA is fix dollar fix period right ?
Poh1207 : nice one
KindnessHuatla : For the fund, do I subscribe or create an auto investment plan
Be Hungry OP m33Lucky : Yes. DCA is fix amount and fix period. This fund is better than SSB and bank
Be Hungry OP KindnessHuatla : you may choose to subscribe(one time amount) or create an auto investment plan(AIP)/ regular saving plan(RSP)
KindnessHuatla Be Hungry OP : Thank you.
CY Loke : so total how much u investment? 1 months get 100++?
m33Lucky : How much did you start with ?
Be Hungry OP m33Lucky : Starting off with $500 last month then DCA
m33Lucky Be Hungry OP : Nice profits, DCA is fix dollar fix period right ?
Poh1207 : nice one
KindnessHuatla : For the fund, do I subscribe or create an auto investment plan
Be Hungry OP m33Lucky : Yes. DCA is fix amount and fix period. This fund is better than SSB and bank
Be Hungry OP KindnessHuatla : you may choose to subscribe(one time amount) or create an auto investment plan(AIP)/ regular saving plan(RSP)
KindnessHuatla Be Hungry OP : Thank you.
CY Loke : so total how much u investment? 1 months get 100++?