Thoth Industries
Brooks Falls
Shut up. I've never seen him attack you, but defend himself against your relentless shilling and negative nonsense. Just shut up. You're the only moron I see.
Thoth Industries
Brooks Falls
If you cannot control your emotions, you have no business being in this game. Your retort is chock-full of acumen. From the greatest of minds, I'm sure. In America we call people like you, Twats. Giant,gaping, discharging twats. Would it be possible for you to throw your toddler tantrum somewhere else?
Brooks Falls : Moron
71735916 Brooks Falls : what is your issue? Just let people say what they wanna say. Doesn't hurt you.
Brooks Falls 71735916 : U know what, the guy always verbally attacks below my comments.
Thoth Industries Brooks Falls : Shut up. I've never seen him attack you, but defend himself against your relentless shilling and negative nonsense. Just shut up. You're the only moron I see.
Biff OP Thoth Industries : Thx Thoth!!
Thoth Industries : No worries. Right is right and truth is truth.
Brooks Falls Thoth Industries : Fxxk off here

Thoth Industries Brooks Falls : If you cannot control your emotions, you have no business being in this game. Your retort is chock-full of acumen. From the greatest of minds, I'm sure. In America we call people like you, Twats. Giant,gaping, discharging twats. Would it be possible for you to throw your toddler tantrum somewhere else?
Biff OP Thoth Industries : Well Said
Thoth Industries Brooks Falls : No thanks. That seems like a really good way to get hep c.
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