$HSI 21400MBeCW220629 (NBQW.SG)$is the exercise price based on the price at the LTD or expiry date of the warrant? my understanding is expiry date.. so it is possible to be OTM after LTD but still be ITM a week after during expiry, or vice versa right?
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Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
Will73 : This might helps
102635586 wsn OP Will73 : Thanks but I don’t see anything that answers my question there regarding LTD vs expiry for index warrants
上班对冲风险投资 102635586 wsn OP : Ask customer service might help, click App-Me-customer service
Dadacai : Try contacting their customer service https://www.moomoo.com/community/feed/106193669259270?_=1656378922