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$Eagle Materials (EXP.US)$ It is an American company that li...

It is an American company that listed on the stock market at US $14 in 1994. The current price is 111, taking into account that there has been a split of 1 and 3, an increase of 23.78 times, or an annualized 12%. The company's fiscal year ends on March 31, and the financial year is almost one year.
Gross profit margin has risen from 24.43% to 27.91% in the past five years, which is on the low side within the plate.
Revenue has grown over the past five years, with operating profits falling slightly in 2019 and 2020, while net profits fell sharply by 73 per cent in 2019, returned to only 3 per cent in 2020 and returned to normal in 2021. There were 220 million impairment of capital assets in 2019 and 2020, which is the main reason for the sharp decline in net profit in these two years.
Net profit grew by 10.3% in 2022, and the current price-to-earnings ratio is 12.1, taking into account the high base of the past two years and the possible periodicity of the company, wait and see for the time being.
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