How did stock trading change your life habits?
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How did stock trading change your life habits?
Hi, mooers! How are you doing?
Another week of intense trading is over. But don't forget to keep an eye on your health. This week let's talk about how stock trading affects your daily habits.
How much time do you spend monitoring and trading stocks each day? Do you spend more time sitting in front of computers and less time enjoying your life? Will you change your shopping style and dietary habits for long-term goals?
Join the discussion and tell us more!Rules & Rewards:1. We will provide 200 points for 5 mooers with unique views and opinions.
2. We will provide 50 points for those who join the discussion with relevant posts of over 20 words.
*The above rewards are mutually exclusive.
Duration: Now – July 5, 11:59 PM SGT
T&CDisclaimer: This presentation is for informational and educational use only and is not a recommendation or endorsement of any particular investment or investment strategy. Investment information provided in this content is general in nature, strictly for illustrative purposes, and may not be appropriate for all investors. It is provided without respect to individual investors’ financial sophistication, financial situation, investment objectives, investing time horizon, or risk tolerance. You should consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to your relevant personal circumstances before making any investment decisions. Past investment performance does not indicate or guarantee future success. Returns will vary, and all investments carry risks, including loss of principal.
Tap for more details.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only.
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Milk The Cow : I spent quite a lot time in monitoring the market price. It can be good & bad...
Good = No missing out
Bad = Buying FOMO
The stocks I picked are the good one, I think. So, if I'm not able to escape out of the position to prepare for a market crash = I predicted a coming recession, I will just go for the long-term investment + DCA as I think it should profit back within 5 years.
whqqq : Because I need to know the company before investing, I have formed the habit of watching news.
Milk The Cow whqqq : Yar, news are important + need time to analyse if it's the truth (quite hard)...
NayaZindagi : Before I embark into stock market, I read up about it to enrich my knowledge on it. It is imperative onset to choose companies with good fundamentals for example increasing revenues, free cash flow, low debt,etc to invest it. This will not matter whenever the stock prices decrease due to certain global factors as it will rise eventually.
Just like others, my portfolio value has decline since the start of this year. However, I'm unfazed as I take this situation as an opportunity to buy more of these stocks at a discount to pile up more of them and to average down their prices.
Since my objective is investing for the long-term, I alkeviate the emotional baggage of anxiety,fear and panic during this time.
Life goes on as per normal and rather with a smile that it gives me a chance to purchase these stocks at low prices which my future self will thank me for.
moo1024 : trading and investment is my work. I spend 10h+ everyday monitoring portfolio of various people and the market. I enjoy the change of market. Also sometimes it will be exhausted and stressing for me. During market downturn, I would even wake up during night trading hours.
Cheer up! Keeping a positive attitude is extreme important in trading.
birdiebrog : I spent quite a lot on unnecessary material goods prior to learning about investing.
I used to only buy the products but now I have learnt to buy a piece of the company instead.
Make your money work for you in the long run and there is no better time than now, especially if you are young and have steady income flowing in.
Also, selling call and puts are a great strategy for me as I feel more In control here, and I get a great price. DCA all the way on conviction co too
DJ Lady Shyz : I learned a lot and still learning when to sell and buy.