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2022 Half-Year Recap: How moomoo backs you up all along

Hi, mooers!
Thank heavens we have survived the first half of 2022! No matter how it went in the past, life goes on. Chin up, and live your days to the fullest. That's what life is about, by all means.
"Make investment easier, and not alone" is what moomoo values the most as always. Team moomoo makes every effort to improve mooers' experience and perfect your investing journey. Now come with us, and take a quick look at the following handy tools we offered you in the past half of 2022!
2022 Half-Year Recap: How moomoo backs you up all along

"Always struggle to time the market?"
Try the US order book with 60 levels of bid/ask data!
● Through the 60 levels of quotes displayed, you can easily grasp market trends and foresee price fluctuations.
● Determine the intention of other traders more accurately and trade at better timings from now on!
This is shown for illustrative purposes only.
This is shown for illustrative purposes only.

"Not intraday, but more of a long-term trend?"
Here Heikin-Ashi comes into play. Derived from candlestick charts, Heikin-Ashi reduces market noise and helps you capture market trends better. Try it now!
This is shown for illustrative purposes only.
This is shown for illustrative purposes only.

"How did AAPL perform last quarter? I'm so tired of searching for the data by myself..."
No worries, moomoo got you. In addition to key indicators, main reports, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, are also here for you. Explore more financial report details via "Quotes – Financial" now!
This is shown for illustrative purposes only.
This is shown for illustrative purposes only.

"What if I want to check out how a stock is going with various technical indicators?"
The overall status of technical indicators is now available. Tap each indicator to view the interpretation and start your TA journey.
This is shown for illustrative purposes only.
This is shown for illustrative purposes only.

"As a newcomer, the complex trade page overwhelms me somewhat."
Tap to switch your trade page to the Lite Mode whenever you want.
This is shown for illustrative purposes only.
This is shown for illustrative purposes only.

"Good to see so much info the Institutional Tracking offers, but any chance you can provide more?"
ARK is here! How about exploring the detailed daily position data of ARK Invest now?
This is shown for illustrative purposes only.
This is shown for illustrative purposes only.

Which of the features above do you love? Or do you prefer other functions? What else do you want to tell us about the first half of 2022? Share your thoughts under the topic #2022 Half-Year Recap: Winning streak or zero-sum in your performance? to win cash coupons now!
Last but not least, you are welcome to leave a message in #Talk to PM if you have any ideas or suggestions for moomoo. We do value your voice!

Disclaimer: This presentation is for informational and educational use only and is not a recommendation or endorsement of any particular investment or investment strategy. Investment information provided in this content is general in nature, strictly for illustrative purposes, and may not be appropriate for all investors. It is provided without respect to individual investors' financial sophistication, financial situation, investment objectives, investing time horizon, or risk tolerance. You should consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to your relevant personal circumstances before making any investment decisions. Past investment performance does not indicate or guarantee future success. Returns will vary, and all investments carry risks, including loss of principal. Tap here for more details.

Moomoo is a professional trading app offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. In the U.S., investment products and services on moomoo are offered through Moomoo Financial Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. In Singapore investment products and services are offered through Futu Singapore Pte. Ltd., regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). This advertisement has not been reviewed by MAS. In Australia, financial products and services on moomoo are provided by Futu Securities (Australia) Ltd, an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL No. 224663) regulated by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). Please read and understand our Financial Services Guide, Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and other disclosure documents which are available on our websites and Moomoo Technologies Inc., Moomoo Financial Inc., Futu Securities Ltd., and Futu Singapore Pte. Ltd are affiliated companies Any illustrations, scenarios, or specific securities referenced herein are strictly for illustrative purposes. Past investment performance does not guarantee future results. Investing involves risk and the potential to lose principal funds.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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