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In the beginning…

All ancient cultures worldwide in many different languages tell of a beginning story with the exact same story structure. The odds of these not coming from the same source are almost an impossibility. Native Americans, Romans, Akkadians, Buddhist, Sumerians, Egyptians,Hindus, etc., have stories of Gods that came from the sky or heavens with great powers. The closest name I found for their species name was Anannge. But they have been also called the Fallen Angels, Ananakki, Watchers, Gods of Olympeus, etc. The Bible say “ ben elohim laqach bath adamah.” Which means sons of God married daughters of man(made from clay). Stories tell of a God called Azazel, or Samaael, or Adam who married and had children with what we call Neanderthal woman(Eve).  
The Anannge of 12 were sent to Earth to breed Neanderthal into a stronger but tame man so they could be used as slaves to serve the Anannge. 12 temples(pyramids) were built where the ship would land to pick up their new slaves. After years of breeding the Neanderthals the Anannge began to love them. The Anannge were 9 foot tall, blonde haired, blue eyed immortal beings and  could not bear children but they knew where their master kept the book Knowledge of Life. Inside it told of how to create life from their life energy. So they took it and bore children with their mortal wives.
When their Lord came to Earth to see the progress He saw the children of Gods mixed with daughters of man and became angry. He called them evil spirits because they were born from the 12 who had disobeyed His commandments. The 12 were banished to the Underworld, the frozen abyss, locked in chains   and their Lord said ”You will watch and hear all your children be destroyed.” From the Lords ship 2 ephah(some type of energy bomb)  were launched at Eden(Earth) one struck where the Mariana Trench is now and the other where the Grand Canyon is. The blasts caused the Great Flood. The force also caused the planets axis to tilt and wobble. Eden was no more. 97% of life on Earth ended. The survivors being mostly children began repopulating. To be continued…😉
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  • silverelf : It could be that the early humans all originated from one point that wasn’t properly recorded, and already had some primitive form of religious belief, the origin of God/Allah/Buddha etc. When they started migrating to different continents for better prospects, they brought these beliefs with them, and over time these beliefs gets influenced, modified and reinterpreted to the current day religions, thus there are similarities and yet differences. Original beliefs can be influenced by issues like social, calamity, economic and natural selections experienced by each groups, these disasters are likely to be interpreted to be acts of god etc to calm the population

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP silverelf : That theory has been proven not correct. The governments aren’t releasing what they know. They know the Gods spoke about were real in a sense. The testing of DNA and Quantum computers running the data have confirmed it. 3% of human DNA did not originate on Earth. It’s impossible for it to have come from the planet. They have even found traits that don’t belong on the planet. While everyone on the planet has Extraterrestrial DNA, some, very few tho, have way more than others. The ET DNA is why human intelligence made a 100,000-200,000 jump in a span of less than 100 years.

  • BarefootJoey Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : Nephilim: the hybrid sons of fallen angels. Could be a source of ET DNA that has been “documented”

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP BarefootJoey : The human race is the Nephilim.
    1 Corinthians 15:47
    The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven.

Mcsnacks H Tupack
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