chris from queens
He is a shill spreading his crap all over. I have recommended this child to a psychiatric centre. He just need to dial 1800-I AM A PROBLEM KID and he will be warded immediately.
You know every now and then, there will be fake traders signed with new account. Just check his profile, he doesn’t have a single transaction. Hahaha…..
NAH! WE DON’T NEED TO BE GME! WE PLAY OUR OWN GAME! Hey fudster……keep cheering! The more you cheer, the higher AMC goes! AMC & GME TO THE MOON!
chris from queens : why say that? I have both.
Zerocool888 chris from queens : He is a shill spreading his crap all over. I have recommended this child to a psychiatric centre. He just need to dial 1800-I AM A PROBLEM KID and he will be warded immediately.
You know every now and then, there will be fake traders signed with new account. Just check his profile, he doesn’t have a single transaction. Hahaha…..
chris from queens Zerocool888 : thanks pal. hope all is well.
rennymc : No, we’re perfectly happy being AMC.
Zerocool888 : NAH! WE DON’T NEED TO BE GME! WE PLAY OUR OWN GAME! Hey fudster……keep cheering! The more you cheer, the higher AMC goes! AMC & GME TO THE MOON!