MindOverMatter : got me
Dudebuddy : I just walk up to the showroom at my dealership and get the key out the box...y'all playing. while I'm driving ... lol
chris from queens OP Dudebuddy : lol..I'm gonna have a driver.
Dudebuddy chris from queens OP : haha .. I hear ya bro! does take the fun out of it though!
Dudebuddy : 495k above my head... haha
MindOverMatter : got me
Dudebuddy : I just walk up to the showroom at my dealership and get the key out the box...
y'all playing. while I'm driving ... lol
chris from queens OP Dudebuddy : lol..I'm gonna have a driver.
Dudebuddy chris from queens OP : haha .. I hear ya bro!
does take the fun out of it though!
Dudebuddy : 495k above my head... haha