chris from queens
it takes money to make money..this play right here is serious, they go to price down substantially and scared people up so they don't have to cover and close their short position..NOPE, not me and not alot of you guys and gals. I hope we get over 2 mil in volume. with enough buying pressure today we can really flip these mutt hedgies on their head. Also look in the news section of RDBX, they must have shown the same news article for the past week and a half to two weeks where they're comparing Redbox with jerk off Netflix lolol psychological thing cuz people when they see that and their down a little moolah it might make them think about jumping ship and heading over to's so obvious! let's get this baby rocking and get back to double digits.
Big Breeze OP : The lower the stock goes the more the needle turns bullish… This is getting intense.
funny Axolotl_3782 : are we coming back I'm down 270 dollars
from redbox
Big Breeze OP funny Axolotl_3782 : A lot of us are down… However the drop has a lightning bolt shape, which may sling back up.
John 3 16 funny Axolotl_3782 : $270 down is nothing unless you invested all your savings into it.
funny Axolotl_3782 John 3 16 : no but I'm still down

102481838 funny Axolotl_3782 : No worries about that. Let look at the bright side that it will go up for the few months
chris from queens : it takes money to make money..this play right here is serious, they go to price down substantially and scared people up so they don't have to cover and close their short position..NOPE, not me and not alot of you guys and gals. I hope we get over 2 mil in volume. with enough buying pressure today we can really flip these mutt hedgies on their head. Also look in the news section of RDBX, they must have shown the same news article for the past week and a half to two weeks where they're comparing Redbox with jerk off Netflix lolol psychological thing cuz people when they see that and their down a little moolah it might make them think about jumping ship and heading over to's so obvious! let's get this baby rocking and get back to double digits.