102648813 : Let's go!
Vincent 1 :
101551769 : The opening of the market is bound to fall
Cskee 101551769 : Did you make it fall quickly?! Are you waiting for it?!
101551769 Cskee : I bought it a long time ago. Do I need you to remind me?
Cskee 101551769 : What a cow! Brother!
Silverbat : Too much profit taking! Everyone wants to sell at high
101551769 Silverbat : We have not reach the bottom yet. Good for short trade
Vincent 1 101551769 : I don't think you woke up.
101551769 Vincent 1 : I haven't slept yet. How can I wake up? If it still goes up, I will continue to buy it down.
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102648813 : Let's go!
Vincent 1 :

101551769 : The opening of the market is bound to fall
Cskee 101551769 : Did you make it fall quickly?! Are you waiting for it?!
101551769 Cskee : I bought it a long time ago. Do I need you to remind me?
Cskee 101551769 : What a cow! Brother!
Silverbat : Too much profit taking! Everyone wants to sell at high
101551769 Silverbat : We have not reach the bottom yet. Good for short trade
Vincent 1 101551769 : I don't think you woke up.
101551769 Vincent 1 : I haven't slept yet. How can I wake up? If it still goes up, I will continue to buy it down.
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